
Mobile devices have become more efficient, more intuitive, and more common than anyone could have predicted. As smartphone use has risen, marketers have had to adapt their strategy to keep up. Those who don’t adapt will be left behind.

That’s why mobile marketing is a must for both online business and brick-and-mortar entrepreneurs.

What is mobile marketing?

Mobile marketing is adapting your marketing efforts to reach users who are interacting with your brand or business from their mobile devices.

The definition may be straightforward, but coming up with a concrete mobile marketing plan is a bit more tricky. It isn’t simply a matter of taking your marketing strategy for desktop and hitting “copy/paste” for mobile. Mobile marketing is targeting marketing campaigns to mobile device users. If you don’t do it, prepare to lose out to your competitors.

How to improve your mobile marketing strategy

A few simple changes are often all it takes to bring your mobile marketing up to speed. Here are some tips that you can do to improve your strategy for mobile right away. 

1. Make mobile your priority

You need to spend as much effort on your mobile marketing plan as you do marketing through desktop. You should likely be spending even more time and effort on mobile because nowadays most of the visitors are coming from mobile.

Business insider suggests that ecommerce sales from smartphone devices will rise from $128.4 billion in 2019 to $418.9 billion in 2024. And if this happened, you’ll be leaving money on the table by not optimizing your marketing strategy for mobile.

Therefore, before you consider any other tip you need to make a concrete mobile marketing plan today.

2. Use google search console’s mobile features

Google Search Console (GCS) is one of the best tools to track your website’s performance on either desktop or mobile. But when it comes to specifically using GSC for mobile, however, you’ll be checking in with their mobile usability report.

This free tool lets you see if there are any problems with specific pages of your site’s mobile version and gives you advice on how to fix them. This ensures that all the pages you’re using for your mobile marketing plan are functioning as they should be.

If you have a WordPress site, you can take advantage of MonsterInsights. With MonsterInsights, you’ll be able to access your Google Analytics and Google Search Console reports right from your WordPress dashboard.

3. Test speed for mobile

Smartphone shoppers are incredibly picky when it comes to their experience with your brand via mobile. In fact, 40% of online shoppers say that if they wait longer than 3 seconds for a page to load, you can count on them leaving your site and visiting a competitor. 

To fix page speed issues you can use Google’s Page Speed Insights to see how your site’s load times are performing on mobile. It will also provide you with a few diagnostic points on how to fix any slower pages!

4. Make your website mobile-friendly

Making sure your website is mobile-friendly is an absolute must. Otherwise, you’ll get super effective at attracting new visitors via mobile, but lose them when they actually arrive on your site.

If you’re not sure where to begin when it comes to making your site mobile-friendly, check out our mobile SEO guide. This article has all the tools and resources you need to get your mobile site performing at optimal levels.

5. Adapt User Interface (UI) for mobile

Mobile marketing is completely different from desktop marketing. The main obvious difference is the small screen of a smartphone. That means your buttons, text fields, and text sizes need to be much larger.

Also, the content of your website should be visually appealing when viewed on a smartphone. which means text sizes should be larger, appropriately placed and sized images, and large buttons that make your mobile-site easy to navigate.

Additionally, mobiReady is the tool that can be used for your site. It shows you a preview of how your site will look on desktop, high-tier phones, medium-tier phones, and low-tier phones.

6. Create responsive email newsletters for mobile

Many people open email on their phones. Therefore, when launching an email or newsletter campaign to your audience make sure you’re optimizing for mobile. Most email marketing services like Constant Contact, Drip, and Mailchimp allow you to test your newsletter before sending by either viewing the email in “mobile view” or letting you send a test email to yourself and colleagues.

7. Test campaigns on the smartphones your audience uses

A large portion of your audience is likely opening that email from a different mobile device than yours. You want to test your marketing materials across a wide variety of devices to make sure they look good for everyone.

Check your google analytics account to find who is visiting your site from which device. On the left-hand side menu, click Audience » Mobile » Devices:

Then you’ll see which smartphone is being used to access your content.

This will give you a good idea of what you need to test your email campaigns to make sure they’re being seen the way you want them to.

8. Focus on local marketing with google my business

If you run a business with a physical location, you should be making an effort to ensure that your business appears for related Google searches like the one above.

If you are thinking of how to do it? You can do it with Google My Business (GMB). Using GMB you can create a business profile that sets your brand apart with custom web copy and photos. GMB lets you stay connected and engaged with customers via Google Search and Google Maps on smartphones.

9. Encourage users check-in from facebook

Offer a discount or entry to a contest for customers who take advantage of Facebook’s check-in feature. When a customer checks in at your location, it lets their Facebook circle see that they’re visiting your business.

It may not give much traffic to your business, but it can give free exposure and social proof to your business.

10. Use text messages for promotions

According to statistics 75% of consumers are fine with getting text from their favourite brand  and these messages have a 98% open rate. Compare that with the 17.2% average open rate for email campaigns, and it doesn’t take a marketing genius to see the advantage.

Sendinblue makes it easy to promote personalized, time-sensitive sales and special events notifications via SMS. And, to get the most out of your SMS plan, check out our SMS marketing best practices.

11. Use more video

Videos help you increase sales. Also videos are more accessible on smartphone than text. Moreover, usually people prefer to watch videos on their smartphones rather than focusing on reading the text.

According to a study more than 70% of YouTube video consumption happens on mobile devices.

12. Get on Instagram’s sales channel

This is another way to use social media by using instagram checkout. If you sell products, you can post them on your Instagram feed and allow users to purchase products without ever leaving the platform.

Not only can you attract more views with your post, but you can also directly increase sales. So, you may get more sales with Instagram Checkout, but you’ll have a little less control over the customer’s journey. 

13. Adapt your content for voice search

We all know that SEO is important if you want to drive organic traffic. Part of your overall SEO strategy is using keywords to embed in your content to help you get ranked on Google. These keywords aren’t random though; they’re data-driven expressions that are used by real people when typing a search query into Google. 

As voice search has been on the rise over the past few years (and not showing any signs of stopping), that means that keywords are getting longer. When people aren’t restricted by keystrokes, they’re more free in their word choices.

This means that long-tail keywords will likely rank better on voice searches. Answer the Public is the tool that can be used for this. You can type any targeted keyword into Answer the Public and it will give you tons of options for voice search-friendly keywords.

14. Use mobile ads

You can create ads specifically for mobile devices. These ads can be in the form of text, image, video, or banners, but they’re specifically targeted for mobile use. To create ads for smartphones, you have many companies to choose from. Google provides a guide to creating mobile ads that’s free to use.

You can also use OptinMonster to quickly and easily create on-site ads. This is great if you do any affiliate marketing.

15. Get into QR codes

QR codes are barcodes that are scannable from your smartphone. They’re usually used to encourage people to take a specific action. With a QR code, you can let customers easily go to a landing page of your choosing, dial your business number, see your business location, get a message sent to their phone, and much more.

Plus, building your own couldn’t be easier. If using WordPress you can check QR Code Generator to connect with your mobile audience in minutes!

16. Create an app

Mobile apps are one of the leading players in your mobile marketing strategy. Consider making your app fun and interactive by gamifying it.

Mobile apps can be personalized to the user, are typically faster than in-browser pages, and allow for interactive engagement with the user. Plus you can send custom notifications to your audience to make your app a part of their daily routine.

17. Explore Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented reality (AR) is in the initial stage of practical adoption. By adding an AR component to your mobile app or website, you can make a marketing campaign that is likely to go viral. Here are a few tools you can check out that claim they are friendly to the technically challenged.

18. Create mobile-specific popups and landing pages

Popups are an excellent way to capture leads and boost conversions. But when you’re viewing a site from a mobile device, popups have to be formatted properly and easy to use or your visitors will be less than pleased.

You can use OptinMonster to build mobile-specific campaigns. You can customize your OptinMonster campaigns however you want. Also, it’s really easy to use because of the drag and drop option.

Golden rules for mobile marketing

  1. Be Cognizant of Your Users. Keep in mind that when a user opts in for your mobile app, they are demonstrating a level of trust with your brand.
  2. Be Organized in Your Approach. Similar to other forms of marketing, with mobile marketing it is crucial to be very organized in your approach.
  3. Be Optimized.


Mobile marketing matters a lot hence if you want to keep growing you need to focus on the tips mentioned above for mobile marketing in order to keep connected with your audience. Mobile marketing holds an important role in businesses. It is also a marketing strategy that people can use in the future.