
Over three quarters of all online customers abandon their shopping carts without purchasing their chosen items. Cart abandonment issues present a real challenge to Shopify ecommerce owners.

Fortunately, there are ways to reduce Shopify cart abandonment and bring back customers who abandoned their carts. There are many applications and strategies that you can use to rescue abandoned carts and improve your sales. These Shopify applications are designed to prevent cart abandonment in the purchase process, which can help you drastically improve sales and revenue of your business.

But before we dive into the list of Shopify apps, let’s quickly look at the advantages of using a cart recovery app in the first place.

Why do you need a cart recovery app?

According to the most recent data 70% of all shopping carts are abandoned. This means for every 100 people shopping online, 70 don’t actually make it to check out and that’s a big problem for online merchants. Hence, this is exactly why cart recovery apps are such a valuable tool for your online store.

More specifically, cart recovery apps can improve 3 areas of your business:

1) Customer Satisfaction: Even if customers didn’t buy the product they were looking at, they clearly had an interest. In many cases, customers abandon carts because they simply got distracted. Recovery apps allow you to deliver the products your customers had always wanted.

2)Word-of-Mouth Marketing: Your best marketing tool can be your product. If you sell something your clients rave about, the word can spread quickly. But this only works if people actually buy the product. A cart recovery app gets you more customers who are likely to become your brand’s ambassadors.

3) Your Store’s Growth: Cart recovery apps help you get more sales, which will improve your overall profits. As you grow your revenue, you can continue to grow your business with better tools, resources, or staff.

These recovery apps can do wonders to your store, hence here is the list of some amazing applications.

Best cart recovery apps

1. OptinMonster

OptinMonster is one of the best cart recovery apps you can find for Shopify stores. It quickly creates beautiful exit pop ups, email pop ups & coupon pop ups for desktop and mobile devices in less than 5 minutes to reduce cart abandonment and grow sales. No coding is required. It’s Exit-Intent Technology allows you to show optin campaigns as users are leaving their browser page. That means you can re-engage your abandoning customer with a special offer.

Additionally, you can choose from the library of 100+ pre-made pop up and lead form templates that are optimized for the highest conversions: lightbox, fullscreen welcome mats, hello floating bars, inline forms, slide-in scroll boxes, sidebar, Google SEO mobile friendly pop ups, video pop ups, email pop ups, exit intent pop ups, thank you pop ups, social pop ups, Facebook Messenger pop ups with ManyChat, gamified pop ups, spin a wheel pop ups, 2-step pop ups, lead form pop ups, countdown timer pop ups, inline pop ups and so much more.

Or, you can browse through OptinMonster targeting rules that apply specifically to Shopify stores. These are things like: Product targeting, Cart total, Items in cart and much more. By showing personalized and targeted optin campaigns based on your customer’s cart contents, you can help guide them toward checkout and ensure they don’t abandon their carts. It has four plans to choose from.

2. Constant Contact

Constant contact is an email marketing service provider that also makes a great Shopify cart recovery app for your online store. With Constant Contact, you can quickly and easily create an automated email campaign to reach customers who have abandoned their carts. Plus, you can track how many emails you have sent and compare it with how much revenue you’ve actually recovered.

This helps you gauge how effective your email campaigns are, optimize your email copy, and improve your bottom line. But with Constant Contact, you don’t need to be a graphic designer just to make an attractive email campaign. Right out of the box, it comes with a huge catalog of hundreds of attractive templates to choose from. It is all about growing your business through the efficacy and reach of your email lists. It comes with two plans.

3. Sendinblue

Sendinblue is another amazing email service provider that works as a cart recovery app for Shopify. Once Sendinblue is integrated with Shopify, you can create targeted email campaigns to your customers who have left your store with items still in their cart. But  this only works if you have the customer’s email address. That means email service providers like Sendinblue benefit from lead generation services like OptinMonster.

You can easily create highly engaging email campaigns with the drag and drop builder. Also, you can pick a ready-made responsive template from the library of 60+ free templates. Manage all your marketing and transactional emails under one roof with Sendinblue. It comes up with four pricing plans, you can choose one according to your requirements.

4. Drip

Drip is a marketing automation platform built for ecommerce – utilizing email, SMS and tight 3rd-party integrations to help businesses drive revenue. It’s the perfect cart recovery app for Shopify. One of the best things about Drip is you can use their pre-built workflows to quickly set up your email campaigns.

When a customer abandons their cart, Drip will completely take over. They will send automated messages at predetermined intervals which you can also configure. You can start a free trial for 14 days.

5. Carts Guru Automated Marketing

This Shopify app uses email, SMS, and Facebook messenger to recover your lost sales. It integrates with your Shopify store in a matter of minutes and supports several languages. Plus, many of their campaigns come pre-built, saving you lots of time as you set up your automated cart recovery campaigns. You can add multiple Shopify stores to one Carts Guru instance for no additional cost.

Carts Guru provides pre-built, customizable campaigns for all the most popular e-commerce use cases. Abandoned cart campaigns – increase the efficiency of acquisition spend and recover lost revenue fast by reaching customers wherever they are most likely to engage with your message. In cart guru, after 14 day free trial: free up to 300 contacts, free up to 3000 messages, SMS billed separately by usage

6. Abandoned Cart Recovery SMS

Abandoned Cart Recovery SMS is a cart abandonment app for Shopify that exclusively uses SMS to get back lost revenue. Automate your abandoned cart recovery by sending SMS alerts at scheduled intervals. 

Also, you can set up multiple abandonment protector SMS notifications with automatic discount codes. For a better success rate at recovering abandoned carts, make the phone number mandatory input during checkout. Here is how to test abandonment protector:

  • Install the app on your Shopify store.
  • Configure the SMS notification to be sent after 1 minute.
  • Open the shop as a customer.
  • Add any product to cart.
  • Go to cart and enter a valid phone number in the contact field.
  • Abandon checkout. Verify if the cart reminder SMS is sent on the contact number after 1 minute.

This is an awesome option to consider if your marketing strategy already uses SMS. That’s because SMS marketing can be a really effective way to communicate with customers and usually has higher open rates.

7. Abandoned Cart Recovery – FREE

This Shopify app can be great for companies on a tighter budget as it’s Free. Browser notifications seamlessly integrate right into your store and bring customers back to their abandoned carts no email or phone number is needed. It’s a one-click installation with no coding needed.

Abandoned Cart Recovery relies on push notifications to alert users when they still have items left in their cart. That means there are no phone numbers or emails to collect as you guide customers back to checkout.

This app has zero hidden charges, is used by over 30,000 Shopify stores, and has recovered over $2,000,000 in lost sales. There’s also no coding required to get started, which means you don’t need to hire or a developer or have technical experience to use the app.


We have mentioned Shopify apps that can help you reduce abandonment in different ways. Some of them send automatic emails to those customers who left without completing the order, others add a timer to your store, and others display a section where the user can enter their email so you can send their cart to their inbox, so you have the products at hand.

Pairing OptinMonster with any of these email service providers also allows you to grow your email list and increase profits through email and SMS marketing. So not only do you get the best cart recovery apps for Shopify, you get all the tools necessary for expanding your business and bringing in more revenue.

It’s up to you to choose which ones you use!