
Shopify Chat That Turn Visitors Into Customers

Shopify Chat that turn visitors into customers

Shopify introduced its first native live chat function “Shopify Chat” that allows you to have real-time conversations with customers visiting your Shopify store.

Shopify chat is a free sales channel and is a major extension to the messaging capabilities already available in Shopify Ping.

Moreover, once you enable Shopify chat it will appear on all your online store pages. It will make easy for the customer to get help when needed. You can answer their questions and drive more sales.

And since all of your chats are managed in Shopify Ping, you can share product recommendations, discounts, and draft orders directly from inside conversations with just a few taps.

Customer relationships are built through conversations

We take live chat for granted while shopping but it very helpful to build relationship with customers.

When visitor chats with you mean they are more likely to make a purchase therefore, turn more visitors into customers by answering to their questions.

As it became easier for businesses to reach their customers, it became harder to engage with them directly but conversation is the best way to reach to your customers.

Almost 73% people have reported that live chat is the most satisfying way to communicate. Furthermore, Shopify Chat offers a way to connect to the visitors by answering the questions and making recommendations for a better shopping experience.

With Shopify Chat you can:

  • Add and customize a Chat button on your online store
  • Respond to inquiries in real-time using Shopify Ping
  • Send products, discounts, and new orders in chat
  • Track Shopify sales using your sales channel overview and Analytics pages

Live chat increases conversions by reducing customer uncertainty

Similarly, it is found in a research that customers who chats with a brand convert three times more often and has a 10-15% higher average cart value. The reason that live chat helps you drive sales is because customer makes more informed purchases with confidence.

Hurdles that customer faces

The hurdles that customers face while checkout always start as a question that needs to be answered in order to proceed to checkout. And many of these questions are very personal and specific to the shopper, for example:

  • “Can this arrive in time for our holiday party?”
  • “Will your shoes in size 13 fit me? I wear a size 13 Vans.”
  • “Do you think my father-in-law will like this as a gift?”
  • “Will this coffee table match my living room furniture?”
  • “Is this mountain bike a good purchase for a beginner?”

While your product details should have these details in advance if not than a live chat conversation can often save the sale if a customer needs to know more.

And this is the time when 57% of the customers abandon their carts because they can’t get answer to their questions. Whereas, with live chat option you can help customer to stick to the product by answering them and making them buy the product.

Shopify Chat That Turn Visitors Into Customers

Real conversations add a whole new dimension of customer insight

We can use analytic tools to see how visitors behave on your store, and how people respond to your marketing.

On the other hand, one of the fastest ways to gain a deeper understanding of a customer’s intent, motivations, and expectations when visiting your store is to simply ask them a few pointed questions in a real conversation.

Live chat helps businesses to provide stand-out service while guiding customers from conversation to conversions.

Moreover, frequently asking questions might inspire you to offer new, complimentary product.

Feedback helps you optimize your store for more sales 

When customer asks some question it mean many others might have same question in mind. Or if they share a bad experience they act as vocal minority for large group of people. This feedback is a gift for you.

For example, if two or three people interrupt their purchase to ask about sizing details for one of your products, you can update that product’s description with more detailed sizing information for future shoppers.

Live chat offers a way by which you can easily get to know the problem and can solve it in real time to increase the chance of sales.

Enabling the conversations that power commerce

Shopify Chat that turn visitors to customers build stronger connections between businesses and customers and ultimately increase sales.

As Live Chat let you talk directly to the customer at the right time in the right context to answer to their queries and solve their problems. It also help you save your sales and don’t let your customer abandon their carts.

And with Shopify Chat, you’re able to blend the best aspects of personal, one-on-one conversations with the efficiency and convenience of managing all of your chats through Shopify Ping.

Shopify Chat That Turn Visitors Into Customers


It is crystal clear that including live chat option to your online store makes your store worth more than other. Help the customers by answering to the questions they have related to your products or services. Your answers and help will let the customer to purchase your product and turn conversation into conversion.

Shopify Chat that turn visitors into customers is a free sales channel made by Shopify that gives your visitors a seamless way to contact you.

Therefore start talking to your customers today for free by installing Shopify Chat.